Velkommen til den Norske skolen i London

Den norske skolen i London er en norsk friskole i et sjarmerende villastrøk i Wimbledon, sør i London. Skolebygget er en gammel viktoriansk villa som gjennom årene har blitt utvidet og renovert for å møte skolens behov.

Skolen ble stiftet i 1982, og har siden hatt mange vellykkete år med dedikerte, engasjerte og kunnskapsrike ansatte. Vi tilbyr norsk grunnskoleutdanning for elever mellom 6 og 16 år.
Velkommen skal du være.

Velkommen til London og skolen vår

Tenk å få lov til å gå på skole i London. Vi lærer både i klasserommet, på skolen og når vi bruker byen som et klasserom på turer. Dette får du minner for livet av. Du er hjertelig velkommen, og jeg håper du blir like glad i skolen vår som det jeg er!

-Rektor Lise

 London som klasserom 

Det jeg liker med skolen vår er at den er annerledes enn mange andre skoler. Vi har muligheten til å dra på utflukter som klasseturer til andre land, teater og museum. Når vi gjør noe utenfor skolebygget, får vi mer motivasjon og vi blir bedre kjent med hverandre.

-Elev 2023

Elever om Skolen

Jeg elsker den norske skolen i London fordi alle kan være sammen og ha det gøy uansett hvor gammel man er. Alle er ute i friminuttene uansett hvordan været er slik at vi får frisk luft til å holde konsentrasjonen oppe i skoletimene.

-Elev 20232

Bli med! Søk på skoleplass her!

Du blir sendt videre til søkeskjema ved å trykke på knappen under.

Se hva tidligere elever og foreldre sier om oss.

All in all we have enjoyed our time in the Norwegian school tremendously. Before coming we had heard good things about the school, but it exceeded our expectations. We moved here during the lockdown, but the school managed to welcome and integrate our daughter into the class, despite the obvious limitations of that period. Our girls, the other one in The Norwegian Kindergarten – instantly made friends. The school is small, with a calm atmosphere and inclusive culture. They have a lot of fun activities and school trips, the different subjects are often integrated in creative and rational ways that help learning. The staff are accessible, attentive and very friendly. The social scene around the school, consisting of the kids’ families, is also highly inclusive and socially active, the PTA likewise.

I highly recommend using (/sending your kids to) The Norwegian School in London



We have had an amazing experience with our two children in the Norwegian school in London. When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed. The teachers and children really made an effort to make them feel included. Our children have learned a lot these six months through a varied teaching plan and methods. They have been on some interesting trips around London and other arrangements. Our children describe the environment at school as warm and friendly with a strong focus on learning. They have been challenged to reach their potential. We are really sorry to leave and hope we can come back at some point. The community with other parents around the Norwegian school has also been warm and inclusive which is important for everyone’s socialisation and well-being. We want to send a special thanks to Jenny, their English teacher, who really saw who they are and their potential. They have learned so much from her, and the way she has organised her teaching and challenged them, has made them really enjoy learning, reading and speaking English.

June 2023 – Parent

«Yes, we would recommend the school to others. The feeling of being included and important for the school are main points. In addition, having less homework is an added bonus.

January 2025 – Parent

«Where do I start…? We love our school. Amazing environment that truly brings the best out of our children, specially from a social skill standpoint. It provides a firm but supportive learning environment and my 6-year old son looks forward to going to school every day, THIS IS UNHEARD OF specially at his age! His teacher is an absolute gem, so kind and supportive yet firm and disciplined, she goes the extra mile to support me as I leant r to guide my son through his first year in school. Our head teacher is very caring and supportive and very switched on with everything that is going on in and out of school. The whole school is amazing. We feel like we are a big family and parents are very supportive of each other. I couldn’t recommend this school highly enough!» 


“Den Norske Skolen i London bidro til at barna våre fikk en trygg overgang fra Norge til Storbritannia. Skolen kombinerer skolekulturer fra begge land på en fin måte og den høye lærertettheten gir tett faglig oppfølging. Skolen skaper fine opplevelser, samt motiverer til læring gjennom regelmessig besøk til museer, landemerker og kulturarrengementer. Skolen er også et sosialt samlingspunkt etter skoletid med aktiviteter for både barn og voksne”.


«Har så utrolig mye positivt å si om Den Norske Skolen i London. Våre fire jenter har hatt veldig fine år her, små klasser med tett og god faglig oppfølging og ikke minst masse gøy. De er så flinke til å dra på tur, leirskole, storbytur til utlandet for ungdomstrinnet og flere teater- og musikalforestillinger hvert skoleår for å nevne noe. Og ikke minst må jeg si at det er veldig kjekt for hele familien, både store og små, å være en del av dette trivelige «lille Norge» i London.»


«What an adventure the year at the Norwegian school in London has been! As our girls say (10 and 11,5 years) – the Norwegian school in London makes learning fun! The teachers are very dedicated both academically and socially. The classes are small which gives the teachers the opportunity to really see each pupil and their needs, and if there are any issues they handle them instantly which results in a good learning environment and inclusive culture amongst the children. During the year, the children have also been on numerous trips, sometimes with overnight stays, to explore London and what it has to offer and England as a whole. Also, worth mentioning is the teachers are great at including new students in the group, which makes the transition to a new school and new situation more seamless. We highly recommend The Norwegian School in London and if the opportunity comes we will definitely return”.

Foreldre – Juni 2023

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